What is a BIA?

The Sechelt Downtown Business Association (SDBA) is comprised of the businesses and organizations located in the downtown Sechelt Business Improvement Area (BIA), which is bounded by:

  • Dolphin Street on the north
  • Wharf Street on the east
  • Teredo Street on the south
  • Ocean Avenue on the west
  • East side of Wharf Street between Highway 101 and Trident

Funds contributed by our members are used to enhance this area of town, to inform the community of the many services and products available, and to encourage businesses to move into the Sechelt downtown area. AGM 2024 STRATEGIC PLAN

For both property owners and their tenant businesses, a BIA is an effective way of increasing profits and to organize and finance programs and opportunities that may not otherwise be available to the individual businesses. For the municipality, a BIA shows that a particular sector of the community is motivated and united to improve their businesses and to simulate the economy.


We work together towards a main purpose of revitalizing and maintaining a dynamic local neighborhood, and promoting the area as a business and shopping destination. Part of the BIA’s role includes defining an identity for the local community, to further promote Downtown Sechelt as a compelling and unique business area. One of our major goals is to encourage both local residents and others to spend dollars in Downtown Sechelt, benefiting all businesses and residents in the area.

Focusing on revitalization and maintenance creates a cleaner, safer and more appealing atmosphere benefiting all local businesses and service providers. Increased traffic and improved atmosphere in the Downtown core benefits us all.

A concerted effort is made on the part of the BIA leadership to develop a network of relations and partnerships among local community groups (schools, arts council, garden clubs, citizen groups, etc.) and institutions (Chamber of Commerce, Community Futures, SCREDO, etc.). The key to success lies in establishing and maintaining this network. Through the combined effort of all local community groups the BIA can be truly successful.


Our mandate is twofold:

  •  To oversee the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally owned land, buildings and structures in the Downtown area beyond what is provided by the municipality.
  • To promote the area as a business and shopping district.

In carrying out these responsibilities, we have become involved in numerous activities including:

  • Marketing – understanding who the customers are, and creating effective promotions to retain and expand the customer base.
  • Business Recruitment – working with property owners to help ensure available space is occupied and that an optimum business and service mix is achieved and maintained.
  • Streetscape Improvement and Amenities – providing customer-friendly lighting, signage, street furniture, planters, banners and sidewalk treatments.
  • Seasonal Decorations – creating a unique and pleasant environment for customers and staff of all businesses through the use of decorations appropriate for the current season or holiday.
  • Special Events – organizing and partnering in special events that highlight the unique attributes of the area and increase customer visits.

Municipal Involvement

The Board and municipal Council must work together towards the common goal of a strong and vibrant business community. The municipality contributes to the BIA by:

  • Assisting with new local business start-ups and participating as they grow.
  • Providing a supportive growth management and development strategy.
  • Providing financial and technical resource assistance.
  • Instituting public improvements.
  • Providing support to the BIA and their staff.
  • Raising awareness of the BIA among municipal staff and the public.
  • Initiation and participation.